Batman: The Dark Knight rises, Movie Review
I read a movie review by Todd McCarthy about Batman: The Dark Knight Rises, on The Hollywood Reporter online. The tone of the review is formal, but not overly so. The review touches on the literary, cinematic and dramatic aspects of the film.The literary aspects are the plot, storyline, theme, conflict and etc. The cinematic aspects are the cinematography, lighting and sound, editing, and special effects of the film. The dramatic aspects is the acting, settings, and costumes.
When we write our own movie reviews, I think we should include an image from the film, as the Hollywood Reporter included for the Batman review. Also, we should mention each of the three aspects of film in our reviews. We should include of summary of the plot, and the theme of the movie. Our reviews shouldn't be too long, however, and don't need to go into extreme detail. I think it's most important that we watch movies we enjoy and try to have fun while writing the reviews.
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