Sunday, March 17, 2013


Last night I went to the closing show of the performance of the Broadway play Grease, at Einstein High School. Grease is one of my favorite movies, and plays of all time, so I was super excited to see it. The singing, acting, and dancing were all fantastic and they did an amazing job.
Olivia Newton John (Sandy) and John Travolta (Danny) from the movie of Grease
Rebecca Bradley played the top Pink Lady, Rizzo. Her rendition of "Look at me, I'm Sandra Dee", one of my favorite songs in the musical, was fantastic and funny. David Toro, a blind student, played Johnny Casino and did an amazing job singing "Born to Hand Jive". Not to mention, all the actors and actresses who participated in the dance, did a great job. Kristina Rexford played the part of Patty Simcox, the obnoxious cheerleader in love with Danny. She was funny and perfect for the part. Sandy, played by Abigail Kullberg, had an amazing voice, and the part was appropriately played. The other three Pink Ladies, Marty, Jan, and Frenchie, played by Anna Toretsky, Quiana Jewell, and Lydia Tefera respecitivly, were hilarious and brought out lots of laughs from the crowd.

The play involved 60 students for the entire production. They acted, they sang, they danced, they designed costumes, the did makeup, they did lighting, and they did sound. This group of very talented students should be extremely proud of themselves and Einsteins S.T.A.G.E did an terrific job. If it hadn't been the last show, I'd recommend everyone should go.
A scene from the performance at Einstein.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

The Island of Hashima

Hashima is an island that many people may not have heard of. It is one of the Japanese Islands, and the Japanese government does not want to draw attention to it. Hashima used to be one of the most densely populated places in the world, with over 13,000 people living on one square kilometer. Today, however, Hashima looks like a giant, decrepit, battleship.
Hashima Island

The major industry on Hashima used to be coal mining with a facility from Mitsubishi Motors. However, the coal business went down and the factory closed permanently. Without work and with nothing keeping them there, everyone left back to the mainland.

Having been left to rot since 1974, Hashima is now beyond restoration and extremely unsafe. The government does not want to bring attention to this awful island so they made it illegal to visit. If you are caught visiting it, you will get 30 days in prison and immediate deportation.
Everything in Hashima has eroded away and some buildings fronts have fallen completely off. TVs stand broken and shattered, personal artifacts lay everywhere, and everything is damaged beyond repair.